Scent Marketing


Scent Marketing can be a very effective tool when utilized with a successful marketing campaign to trigger the consumers olfactory system and lead to not only an increase in sales but also customer retention, brand loyalty, brand recognition, alertness, staff alertness, moral, and productivity.

What is Scent Marketing?

Scent Marketing is a real thing and Science shows that it works! By introducing our cold air diffusers into a commercial business setting you can boost the mood, enhance pleasure, generate brand awareness, increase customer experience, increase sales. We will now educate you about the world of “scent marketing” “Our sense of smell undergoes a process within the limbic system, the region of the brain responsible for storing emotions and memories. As a result, smells have the power to evoke subconscious emotional responses. Recognizing this fact, companies such as Nike, Apple, Ferrari, Casinos, Large Hotel Chains, and even Starbucks cleverly leverage scent to their advantage, cultivating brand loyalty and boosting profits. Bloom Aromatherapy is committed to nurturing brands in the retail, hospitality, fitness, and medical sectors by harnessing the art of scent. Collaboratively, we influence consumer behaviour and create enduring impacts on brand perception.”

Using our cold air aroma HVAC Systems we diffuse the scent of a cannabis strains terpene profile "Orange Tingz" produced by Pistol and Paris™ triggering the consumers olfactory system, narrowing down & influencing their buying decision. Most of the time a customer becomes overwhelmed with purchasing options and they will subconsciously choose the marketed option via the power of scent, sight, & sound.

Power of Scent

Profound Impact, Influencing Power.

“Scent has a profound impact on our memory and emotions. When used correctly, scents can influence consumer behaviour and even act as a secondary “logo” for your brand.”

Increased Intent to Purchase by:


with a brand message that incorporates 3 senses: (sight, sound and scent)

Increased Customer Engagement by:


with a brand message that incorporates 3 senses: (sight, sound and scent)

Scenting Studies Have Shown a


sales increase in certain products after employing a scent marketing strategy.

Nike Case Study | Scent Marketing

Introduction: Nike & Scent Marketing Case Study by introducing scent marketing one Nike study saw an 84% Increase in intent to purchase & People are 100x more likely to remember a scent over any other sense.

Nike Study - Canadian Centre of Science and Education

The aim of this research is to study the effect of ambient scents on consumers’ responses and in particular the moderating effect of consumer type (hedonic vs utilitarian) and his accompaniment state (accompanied vs single). An experiment was conducted in a real business context (NIKE store), where 400 customers were surveyed. The results indicate that a pleasant ambient scent improves evaluation of store environment, products, quality of services provided, the level of pleasure experienced, the level of stimulation, their intention to revisit the store and customers’ spending. However, ambient scents have no effect on the real time spent in the store. Finally, in the presence of an ambient scent, it was found that hedonic customers intend more to revisit the store than utilitarian ones and that accompanied customers tend to spend more and have more fun shopping than single customers.

(Canadian Home Builders Association)

The Georgie Awards - Saku Scent Marketing

Saku Aromatherapy™ had the pleasure of collaborating with the Canadian Home Builders’ Association of British Columbia (CHBA BC) to enhance their annual Georgie Awards with a unique scent experience. For the 2024 event, themed around the magical world of Willy Wonka, CHBA BC wanted to create an immersive atmosphere that would transport their members and guests into a chocolate factory wonderland.

"I wanted to say THANK YOU, you filled the room with the scent of Chocolate. People came up to me and said I smell the chocolate, Great job. 🙂 "
Laura Chok - Senior Director CHBA BC Special Events.

Saku Aromatherapy™ worked closely with Laura Chok, CHBA BC’s Senior Director of Special Events, to develop a custom chocolate aroma that perfectly captured the essence of the event’s theme. By utilizing our advanced HVAC diffusers, we were able to infuse the entire 30,000-square-foot venue with the rich, enticing scent of chocolate.

This strategic use of scent marketing ensured that everyone in attendance was enveloped in the experience, making the event truly unforgettable. The aroma not only heightened the Willy Wonka theme but also created a sensory journey that guests indulged in throughout the evening, leaving a lasting impression of the event and the CHBA BC brand.

Key Benefits of Scenting

  • Create a lasting and memorable experience for your guests.
  • Enhance the perception of your brand and products.
  • Boost sales: Customers linger longer in pleasant-smelling spaces, with studies showing up to a 44% increase in sales.
  • Improve customer loyalty.
  • Increase staff productivity.

Scent Studies

For decades scientists have extensively studied how scents influence consumer behaviour. These studies consistently demonstrate that adding scent to a branding campaign creates a more engaging and memorable experience for consumers.

Key studies highlight the impact of scent: shoppers spent 40% more time in a scented area of a retail store compared to an odourless one. In another study, customers were 84% more likely to buy Nike shoes in a scented room, even willing to pay $10.33 more for the same pair. Additionally, a casino saw a 53% increase in slot machine revenue in the scented area. (*Brand Sense / Martin Lindstrom / Free Press 2005).

In the highly competitive $800 billion advertising industry, most companies focus on just two of the five senses—sight and sound—in their branding efforts. However, as emotions are strongly linked to our sense of smell, decision-makers are increasingly recognizing the importance of using scent to build emotional connections between consumers and products.

A comparable example of this trend can be seen in the home fragrance and aromatherapy market, which has experienced significant growth over the past two decades. In 1984, the home fragrance market was virtually nonexistent. By 1994, it had grown to approximately $230 million in annual sales. According to Euromonitor International, the global leader in market analysis, the home fragrance category exceeded $8.4 billion in sales by 2008.

Saku Aromatherapy™ can work with your brand to create a custom aroma to represent your brand and be used with your next marketing plan. 

Lasting Experience

Create a lasting and memorable experience for your guests.

Brand Perception

Enhance the perception of your brand and products.

Boost Sales

Customers linger longer in pleasant-smelling spaces, with studies showing up to a 44% increase in sales.

Loyalty. Productivity.

Improve customer Loyalty & Staff Productivity.

Scenting Facts: The Science Behind the Benefits

Smell captivates marketers and scientists alike because it uniquely triggers powerful memories almost instantly. Our sense of smell works through olfactory receptor cells, specialized neurons with dendrites that bind to odor molecules. When these cells are stimulated, they send electrical signals to the olfactory bulb, where different smells are identified. Since the olfactory bulb is part of the limbic system—the brain’s emotional center—smell is closely connected to areas that influence behavior, mood, and memory.

Saku Aromatherapy™ offers limitless scenting possibilities, drawing from an extensive selection of pure essential oil blends and over 70,000 perfume-quality aroma oils. Our team of scent designers creates custom blends and unique recipes to craft a distinctive and memorable atmosphere for your business. We source only the finest ingredients from around the globe to ensure consistent and appealing ambient scents. Unlike chemical-based air fresheners, our fragrances deliver a pure, clean ambiance without harsh undertones.

Saku Aromatherapy™ uses aroma oils vetted by the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) to ensure that all our aroma’s not only meet but exceed safety guidelines for both consumers and the environment. We are dedicated to offering the safest and most sustainable products on the market, using ingredients from renewable resources that are never tested on animals.

  • The human sense of smell influences 75% of our daily emotions, moods, and desires.
  • Ever wonder if a new car really smells new? As cars come off the production line, an artificial “new car smell” is applied, lasting about six weeks. Some people even pay extra for a used car just to get that scent.
  • Rolls Royce recreated the scent of its iconic 1965 Silver Cloud, spraying it under the seats to evoke the aroma of this classic model.
  • Singapore Airlines uses a signature scent of lotus flowers and bamboo, worn by flight attendants and infused in the hot towels given to passengers before takeoff—perhaps contributing to their consistently high consumer ratings.
  • A Hilton Hotel and Casino study in Las Vegas showed that gambling revenues increased by 54% when a slot machine area was scented, while revenue in the unscented area remained unchanged.
  • 85% of consumers associate the smell of Crayola crayons with childhood memories, and the newer crayon-scented colored pens continue this tradition.
  • The crunching sound of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes was engineered in a lab, with the texture of the flakes adjusted to match the brand’s iconic sound.
  • Coca-Cola vending machines in Las Vegas release cans in a mist, boosting revenue by 81%.
  • The Jorvik Viking Centre in York pumps in various scents to provide visitors with an authentic experience of Viking-era smells, from toilets to shopping centers, attracting over 14 million visitors annually.
  • Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and Play-Doh smell like vanilla, the world’s most recognized scent. Whether it’s grandma’s baking or mother’s milk, vanilla is globally familiar—would you choose any other brand?
  • Scent is the sense most closely linked to memory.
  • Smell accounts for 80% of what we perceive as taste. Without smell, food loses its flavor.
  • Calming aromas in MRI facilities have reduced appointment cancellations and patient anxiety, with cancellations dropping to just 2%.
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