Pet Safe Aromatherapy


Safe Scenting for your Furry Family

Our pets are an important part of our family and daily lives so when we started this company we made sure to find the latest in aroma diffusion advanced nano technology to keep them safe and unaffected by our passion and love for essential oils and aromatherapy. 

Cold Air Diffusion Technology

Cold air diffusion technology is a method of dispersing scents or essential oils into the air without using heat. It is commonly used in high end aromatherapy, home fragrance systems, and commercial environments to create pleasant and consistent scent experiences. This technology is designed to preserve the integrity of fragrances and essential oils, as heat can sometimes alter or degrade their terpene or natural composition.

Saku HVAC Aroma Systems can be used without a central HVAC system and come with both adapters if you choose just to have the diffuser operate as a stand alone unit.

Pet Safe Scenting

Non Toxic Diffusion

Our waterless aroma HVAC Systems use cold air diffusion nano technology to diffuse pure essential aroma oils and create dry nano scent particles in the (ppm) parts per million.

Why is this important? traditional household water diffusers use water and the essential oil to create a vapour or mist with large particles to be carried and droplets landing in the desired area. These droplets land on our ultra sensitive pets fur, skin, pores, paws, and lungs then is absorbed, or licked then and ingested and can be super toxic especially if they allergic or sensitive to certain essential oils dangerous to them in liquid form. This also leaves room for mold to grow, build up of residue on upholstery, countertops, carpets, etc.

Our waterless diffusers using the latest advanced cold air diffusion technology create fine nano dry ppm scent particles that can safely pass through your homes HVAC system leaving zero residue and safe scenting environment for ourselves and furry friends.

*Try putting tradition water diffuser through a HVAC system! (THIS IS SARCASM DO NOT DO THIS*)

Why Not to Use Water Diffusers,
Scented Candles Around...


Cats are highly sensitive to aromas because their livers lack certain enzymes that break down essential oils and other compounds found in many scents. This makes them more vulnerable to toxic buildup, leading to potential health issues.


Due to their highly developed sense of smell 100,000X more acute than humans. Some essential oils contain compounds that can be toxic to dogs if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin, leading to potential health risks such as respiratory issues, skin irritation, or even poisoning.


Birds small size and rapid breathing rate make them particularly vulnerable to airborne toxins, which can quickly affect their health. Many essential oils and strong scents can be harmful or even fatal to birds, leading to respiratory distress or poisoning.

Premium Quality Essential Oils


Bloom Aromatherapy™ Essential Oil Aroma Blends: Our oils come from our sister company Bloom Aromatherapy™ These premium essential oil aroma blends are blended using Solfeggio frequencies and developed specifically for our cold air diffuser systems.


Non-Toxic Aromatherapy Safe to be used around pets.

Large Area Coverage

Cover Larger Areas and Spaces because of nano particles.


Dry Cold Air Diffusion Technology to safely emit aroma particles.

Pet Safe

Designed and developed with pets in mind, lock away oil reservoir.

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